
about #byeh8r

"#BYEH8R" is OMC's anti-bullying campaign in which we enforce that there is no room in our schools and our lives for HOMOPHOBIA/HOMONEGATIVISM or any other form of discrimination and H8. We are strongly saying "GOOD BYE" to the HATE in our schools and shutting H8 out. We engage with students by offering them awareness in terms on which they can understand the impact of H8 speech and actions.

LGBTQ youth deal with bullying in the form of violence, harassment (including cyber-bullying), and attacks. Students who constantly heard bigoted verbal abuse from name-calling like "homo", "fag" or "sissy" more than two dozen times per day, which is one derogatory comment every fifteen minutes of each day.

Empower our youth

Multimedia for this campaign